Disinfecting Herbs
A balanced blend of herbs for women prone to excess cervical mucus, infections and viruses with discharge.
A balanced blend of herbs for women prone to excess cervical mucus, infections and viruses with discharge.
A balanced blend of herbs for women prone to excess cervical mucus, infections and viruses with discharge.
Disinfects and Deodorizes
Disinfecting Herbal Blend may help to kill bacteria, viruses, yeast, reduce inflammation, and deodorize.
Ideal blend for:
Any Irregular Discharge or Gynecological issue accompanied by an irregular discharge.
Infections and/or Viruses with irregular discharge.
HPV or STDs with irregular discharge
Irregular Pap smears with irregular discharge
Cervical Dysplasia and/or cancer with irregular discharge
*If prone to short cycles (27 days or less) rotate use of Disinfecting and Herbal blend.